The S.T.E.M. Experience

The STEM Experience integrates science, technology, engineering, and math (S.T.E.M.) into everyday learning for students. Through project based learning activities students experience the scientific method, exposure to emerging technologies, problem solving via the engineering process, and how math applies to the real world.
Unlike traditional STEM Education programs, the STEM Experience does not focus on age or grade level directly. It focuses on the STEM learning experience and tailors that experience for each individual learner. Students are given the opportunity to think critically and outside the box. This creates a Socratic learning environment where students will engage in meaningful dialogue relative to their school’s curriculum and learning style.
The S.T.E.M. Experience integrates the three core disciplines of robotics. They are coding, 3D modeling, and electronics. Coding enhances reading and writing skills. With this technology, we will sharpen each student’s ability to decode syntax and re-code it to obtain meaning and comprehension.
With 3D modeling, we will teach students to visualize the world around them to make learning more interactive and tangible. We will also utilize this technology to visualize math concepts, as well as design thinking. When students are able to visualize the world around them and make it more tangible, their reading scores increase.
Electronics technology will serve as a platform to introduce each student to robotics. Students will learn how to read a wiring diagram, how to connect motors, sensors, and power supplies to understand the foundation of robotics. Afterwards they will utilize coding to tell the robot what to do, how to do it, and when to do it.
The S.T.E.M. experience can be integrated into any classroom curriculum. Therefore, it serves as a platform for academic remediation, as well as academic acceleration. Many of our stem project based learning activities will take place outside of the traditional classroom. Students will travel to local parks and monuments. Also, they will tour various parts of the city, county, and surrounding areas to learn how to solve real world problems.
To participate in the S.T.E.M. experience all students are required to have the necessary kit and technology device. Many of our sessions are hybrid in that they can be taught face-to-face or online.
Session Overview
Students will attend sessions on their designated Saturdays as outlined in the schedule below. The sessions will consist of two hours of integrated S.T.E.M. learning and one hour of “unplugged” activities such as character building and Chess. Also, STEMERALD City will host a one hour online session (via Zoom) per month called “The Pack Wellness Check ”. During the session, students will engage in activities designed to strengthen their critical thinking skills. The activities are centered around the scientific method, exposure to emerging technologies, problem solving via the engineering process, and how math applies to the real world.
Pack Name | Description | Session Day / Timeframe |
Rudolfo (“Mighty Wolf”) | High School Grades (9-12) | 2nd Saturday / Noon to 3 |
Skoll – (Norse for the legend of the wolf, found chasing the sun) | Middle School Grades (6-8) |
3rd Saturday / Noon to 3 |
Lowell – (Old French for “wolf pup.”) | Elementary School Grades (3-5) | 4th Saturday / Noon to 3 |
The monthly cost for the S.T.E.M. Experience is $150.00. This covers the cost of four hours of instruction, materials, and activities.
Click here to book your child’s session now.
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Here is a great article that lists the “7 Benefits of STEM Education”.
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