STEMERALD City Students Decode Success Through Coding
Written by: Jeffries F. Epps, Staff Writer
Employers often emphasize the value of adaptability in new hires, stating, “The candidates we covet are those with the skill to learn new skills.” At the core of learning new skills lies the ability to code and decode—processes rooted in reading comprehension and critical thinking. STEMERALD City is helping students master this “master skill” through its Saturday cohort sessions for elementary, middle, and high school students.
Each session embeds coding and decoding into hands-on, engaging activities. This past Saturday, three members of the middle school cohort tackled different challenges designed to sharpen their analytical and problem-solving abilities.

One student explored physical computing by combining Microbits, electrical components, and MicroPython to create an interactive project. Another student honed their understanding of basic geometry and plotting points using P5.js, a JavaScript library for creative coding. Meanwhile, a third student delved into 3D design with TinkerCAD, creating a virtual train set that will eventually be brought to life through 3D printing.

Each activity required students to “read” complex instructions, “decode” patterns or data, and then “write” solutions through code or design. By the end of the session, a student remarked to his mother, “It’s like we were learning math but didn’t realize it.” She smiled and responded, “That’s hiding the broccoli in the mashed potatoes.”

These sessions are more than fun; they address the pressing need to strengthen reading and math comprehension, especially in light of declining scores in North Carolina public schools. By integrating STEM into real-world scenarios, STEMERALD City fosters the skills students need to excel in school—and in life.
“Don’t just prepare your child for the future—let them create it. Enroll in STEMERALD City today!” – Jeffries Epps, CEO