Gifted: Karim McLaughlin’s Journey from STEM Camps to Early College Success

By: Jeffries F. Epps, Staff Writer

In the heart of Richmond County, a young prodigy named Karim McLaughlin has been making waves in the field of STEM since the third grade. Karim, now an Early College graduate, began his journey with a spark of curiosity and an early exposure to STEM that has shaped his educational and career aspirations.

It all started when his mother, Mary Andrews, enrolled him in a summer STEM camp. It was here that instructors Jeffries Epps and Chad Osborne first recognized Karim’s extraordinary talent. “We were floored when Karim created a 3D model of a dolphin using a tutorial,” Epps recalled. “The tutorial was about two hours long, and Karim modeled it perfectly the first time.”

Impressed by his capabilities, Epps recommended that Karim be tested for the AIG (Academically or Intellectually Gifted) program in Richmond County Schools. Despite his evident talent, Karim was denied entry. “When he graduates from high school and college at the same time, it will be a different narrative,” Osborne remarked, foreseeing Karim’s future achievements.

Undeterred, Karim continued to attend STEM camps throughout his middle and high school years. These experiences were instrumental in developing his skills and shaping his academic interests. Karim recently graduated from Richmond Early College High School with an associate of applied science degree, a testament to his dedication and hard work.

Reflecting on his journey, Karim said, “Early exposure to 3D, coding, and electronics was an important part of my learning experience. It challenged me to overcome obstacles and try something new, which I enjoyed. The challenges I faced made me think what people would say ‘outside the box,’ which transitioned into my school work. STEM programs, like these, strictly involve the math and science which turned out to be my most STRONGEST subjects. Taking these programs made me think more critically about my everyday activities; even today, I use these skills.”

Karim’s experiences in STEM led him to a crucial decision regarding his future. “With my first-hand experience with these STEM programs, it made me boil down to two different options, electrical engineering and computer science and IT. However, when I went later on down the road and saw my strong suits, which were critical thinking, math, and science, I made my decision to go to North Carolina State to study computer science and IT, particularly the consulting aspect of this program.”

Looking ahead, Karim envisions a bright future. “In five years from now, which would be 2029, I see myself already graduating from college with my master’s degree, having a Ph.D., and being referred to as Dr. McLaughlin. It has always been a want for me. I see myself being an IT Consultant and possibly writing another message of my backstory and maybe inspiring other kids to take the time to learn new things and develop useful skills early on.”

Karim McLaughlin’s story is a powerful reminder of the importance of early exposure to STEM education and the impact it can have on a young person’s life. His journey from a gifted child to an accomplished Early College graduate sets a shining example for others to follow.