A Bit of Fun with Python Programming

By: Jeffries Epps, Staff Writer

Students at Tarboro High School spent the semester diving into the world of physical computing and Python programming using the Micro:bit processor. As a final project, these budding tech enthusiasts showcased their ingenuity by creating their very own smart watches. These smart watches are not just any ordinary devices—they can count steps, sense temperature, and detect the light level in a room.

The BBC micro:bit is an award-winning programmable device that provides students with a hands-on experience in coding and digital making. It has become a favorite tool in the classroom for inspiring students to recognize the power of technology in the real world. Jeffries Epps, CEO of STEMERALD City LLC, emphasized its value: “The Micro:bit is and has been the most stable platform to integrate coding into the classroom.”

Physical computing, which is at the heart of this semester’s projects, involves designing and creating interactive systems that use hardware and software to respond to external stimuli. These systems can sense the world around them and control outputs like lights, displays, and motors. Through these hands-on projects, students not only learn to code but also understand how technology interacts with the physical world.

The semester-long journey at Tarboro High School has undoubtedly sparked a new level of enthusiasm and creativity among students, proving that with the right tools and guidance, the possibilities in technology are endless.