Coding and Math Collide!

If Iโ€™m lying Iโ€™m flying!!! ๐ŸŽฎ Today we engaged our students and elevated their math skills with Microsoft Kodu Game Lab! ๐Ÿš€โœจ As they dove into the world of game design, they’ll not only unleashed their creativity but also sharpened their math abilities.

With Kodu, students can apply mathematical concepts like area and perimeter in a hands-on, interactive way. Designing landscapes, creating obstacles, and setting boundaries within the game world naturally reinforce these fundamental math principles.

By incorporating Kodu into your classroom, you’re not just teaching math โ€“ you’re making it fun and relevant. Prepare your students for end-of-grade testing with a tool that sparks curiosity, fosters critical thinking, and builds a solid foundation in math. Get started with Microsoft Kodu Game Lab today! ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ“š #MathSkills #MicrosoftKodu #GameBasedLearning